13 October 2002

MRIs are my kind of test.

MRIs are my kind of test. Why? Because I was allowed to keep my socks on. In fact explicitly told to take off everything *but* my socks (and underwear) before changing into the hospital gown.

The actual procedure was weird. It felt very surreal, because I was unmoving in this little tube with really loud noises all around me. The noises were odd and I want to read up more about MRIs so I can figure out what was going on. They took something like ten pictures, three while I had a needle in my arm, putting that stuff into my veins that shows up as white on the image. It made me feel reeeeeally odd having my arms crossed with a needle I couldn't see in my left elbow, stuck in this tube, unable to move. I'm not claustrophobic, and I'm not afraid of needles, but the combination was a little much for me.

I basically slept through most of it, though. At least, I dreamed. Not particularly bad dreams. Just vivid ones. Kept thinking I was back on campus, but no, I was still in the tube. It was just strange. And when it was over, he just took the needle out and showed me where the door was. I don't know, it was just strange to come right out of the machine and go out on the streets again.

I would not do well with isolation tanks, I think. It wouldn't be bad, just... I'd feel different afterwards.

Just in case you don't know, I was having an MRI because I was referred to yet another doctor who doesn't know what's wrong with me for my dizzy spells. Yayfor.

Now I really need to study for midterms (Russian and physic tomorrow, heh) but I don't want to. I want it to be fall break. Now. While everyone's still in MD. Miwf.
